10 Signs You’re Book Obsessed
Pantera Press
1. You’re not sure how this is even possible, but your reading list is higher than your ‘Actually Read’ list.

2. You’re just broke. Lol.

3. True romantics bleed for love. And that means paper cuts. But you don’t let that stop you—you’ll heal when you’re dead!

4. Eventually, the mortal world matters not to you. Showering? Who cares? You’ve realised that living in the real world is just not for you. You belong in your book, so that’s where you’ll be.

5. You’ve gone without shelving for a while. Okay… a long while. There’s nowhere to put anything in your house because every surface already has a book on it.

6. “Just one more chapter” is your undying motto. Sleep is overrated, amirite?
7. You know books aren’t just for reading, they’re also for smelling.
8. You experience pre-traumatic stress as you approach the last few chapters… you’re not ready for your books to end!

9. You’ve considered calling in sick to work so you can continue your magnificent literary journey.
10. You’re finished… but you’re also not. THE FAN FICTION BEGINS!!!!!