8 Tips to Help You Read More Books in 2014
Elly Clapin
Wow – can you believe it’s already March?
We’re charging through 2014 at breakneck speed, and if you’re anything like us, there’s a good chance your New Year’s resolutions have already started to slip.
(Confession: the yoga pants I was gifted for Christmas have never been to a yoga class.)
But, if like thousands of people around the world your New Year’s resolution was to “read more books”, you’re in luck – we have some great tips on how to get your resolution back on track!
1. Write Down Your Motivation
What exactly is it that’s motivating you to read more books this year?
Are you hoping to boost your creativity, to improve your vocabulary, or simply to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life? Whatever that reason is, writing it down and displaying it somewhere visible is sure to help keep you motivated.
You could even use it as a bookmark!
2. Set a Realistic Goal
If you’re aiming to read “more” books this year, you’re going to need a clear starting point – so make an estimate of how many books you read last year. Was it 5 books? 10? You need to know where you started so you’ll know when you’ve outdone your 2013 self!
Next, set a realistic goal. Keeping in mind that it takes most people somewhere between 2-3 weeks to read a regular novel from start to finish, maybe 14 or 15 books is a good aim for 2014 if you managed to read 10 last year.
Be gentle with yourself, and be proud of any progress you make. There’s no need to absolutely blow last year’s figure out of the water – although if you do, we salute you!
3. Buy Books in Bulk
As much as we all love leisurely browsing the shelves of our local bookstores, sometimes it’s hard to find the time to run out and grab a new book the minute you finish an old one! So, our advice is to always make sure you have ‘books in waiting’ hanging around, ready to be picked up!
If you’ve had a series recommended to you, try buying the first few books all at once – or, if you’ve especially enjoyed a particular author in the past, invest in a few of their titles to avoid being stuck without something new to read!
Buying books in bulk is a great way to ensure you never run out – next time you’re online or in your favourite bookstore, treat yourself by buying two or three extra titles…or even ten!
4. Take Recommendations From Your Friends in Hollywood
When you’re searching for a new book and don’t have anything particular in mind, look to Hollywood for guidance!
Not only are many big Hollywood films and television series originally based on books, but they are also great places to take notes on the kinds of genres and themes that you think make a great story.
Do you find yourself tuning in every week to watch Homeland? It’s probably safe to say that you’ll also enjoy political thrillers in paperback form, then, like John M. Green’s “The Trusted.” Or, if the Twilight films got your heart racing, that might be an indication that you’ll be a fan of Young Adult fantasy novels…although, it could also just be a sign that you have a major crush on dreamy Robert Pattinson.
Well hello there, R-Patz!
5. Try a Series
We’re pretty sure that one of the worst feelings in the world is that sinking moment when you realise you’ve reached the final page of a really great book. Saying goodbye to characters and stories that you love can be so tough!
That’s why series are so awesome – they give us a chance to explore our favourite fictional worlds in more than one instalment!
Series are also a great way to encourage more reading – once you get hooked on the first book, it’s easy to jump straight in to the second, third and fourth, because you already feel at home and know you’ll enjoy yourself!
6. Make the Choice to Read
When you find yourself with a bit of down time, it’s often very tempting to switch on the television or ‘surf the web’.
This year, when you do find yourself with a bit of leisure time, try to make a conscious effort to use that time well. If there’s something on TV that’s unmissable (read: The Walking Dead), grab the remote. But if you’re just mindlessly flicking channels, you might be better off picking up a book!
Once you’ve settled in, you’ll find it’s pretty much the most relaxing, rewarding and stimulating pastime out there.
7. Find Your Reading Oasis
For many of us, it’s hard to read when we’re surrounded by potential distractions.
Whether you’ve got one eye on the television in the background, one ear on the kids causing havoc, or are constantly being interrupted by other people, it’s tough to get lost in a book when you don’t have the space and quiet to relax and concentrate.
Try to find your reading ‘oasis’—somewhere you can go to be completely disconnected and distraction-free. It could be a certain room in the house, or you could even go and sit in the park under a tree!
For inspiration, here’s a picture of my special reading space in my house*:
* in my dreams.
8. Join a Reading Community
Sometimes, it can be so difficult to chose which book you want to read next!
Try joining a reading community such as Goodreads.com and start chatting to other users. Read the reviews on books you’ve already read and enjoyed, or titles you’re considering reading, and you might find some recommendations of future favourites just waiting to happen to you!
Book clubs are another great way to seek recommendations and discuss books you’ve read, and if you’re lucky, you might even make life-long friends along the way.
Not only are these types of communities good for discovery, they are also great for keeping you interested and focused on your goal!
Voila – 8 ways you can stay on track with your New Year’s resolution to read more books!!
Have any tips of your own? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!