John M. Green

John M. Green
John M. Green is the author of Framed, Double Deal, The Tao Deception, The Trusted, Born to Run and Nowhere Man. He left his day job as a banker two years before the global financial crisis – enough of a lag so no one could accuse him of starting the whole mess! He wrote his first novel about it.
His childhood years roaming the back alleys of Sydney’s infamous Kings Cross set the stage for his later careers, in law and finance. He became a partner in two major law firms and then an executive director in a leading investment bank.
His interests straddle writing, the arts, business and philanthropy: he is or has been a director of numerous organisations, listed and unlisted, including cyber-security, financial services, education, engineering, publishing and not-for-profits. He’s been a Council Member of the National Library of Australia and a director of two publishing houses. He’s also an aficionado of magic and mentalism. He lives in Sydney with his wife, the sculptor Jenny Green.
Photo credit: Erica Murray