Business Time: Pantera Press Stock Photos
Elly Clapin
Somebody takes a concept, thinks of a way to visually represent it, and then creates an image. Regardless of how abstract or awkward said image is, it is then inexplicably replicated with the slightest tweaks for the sake of variety. Search the phrase “multitasking woman,” for example, and you’re rewarded with a series of bizarre images. These include corporate and domestic incarnations of the multi-armed Hindu Goddess Mahakali, women covered haphazardly in Post-It notes, and my personal favourite, a contortionist using an unnecessary yoga pose to complete a simple office task.
Over the past few years we’ve been treated to various great parodies and re-enactments of stock photos, from actor Patrick Wilson’s 2012 College Humour infomercial to the series released with models Gigi Hadid and Rose Bertramjust a few weeks ago. The cast of upcoming Fox movie Unfinished Business, featuring Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco and Tom Wilkinson, released a series of classic corporate stock photos via iStock yesterday, which are free and available for editorial use.
The Pantera Press office is a place of business where a strong work ethic and high level of professionalism is observed at all times, and for this reason we immediately left our desks yesterday to create our own set of stock photos inspired by the Unfinished Business series.
Whilst some of our photos were admittedly staged to mimic the originals, a select few are, obviously, candid and completely natural – the flying V, the group high five and the unison clap, to be specific.
In this post, we’ve featured our photos side by side with the originals for the sake of comparison. It’s hard to say which set features more high-profile celebrities, so let’s just call it a tie.
Please enjoy.
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