GLIMPSES OF UTOPIA by Jess Scully to be published in August 2020
Pantera Press
Pantera Press is thrilled to announce the publication of Glimpses of Utopia: Real ideas for a fairer world by Jess Scully in August 2020.
It’s tempting to feel that the future is not about ordinary people and our needs. Climate change is accelerating; inequality is rising; governments aren’t listening. Jess Scully asks, What can we do? The answer is: plenty! All over the world, people are refusing the business-as-usual mindset and putting humans back into the civic equation, reimagining work and care, finance and government, urban planning and communication, to make these systems better and fairer for all.
Jess has charted a unique career over 20 years: founding ground-breaking festival Vivid Ideas; supporting emerging talent through projects such as the Qantas Spirit of Youth Awards; sparking new thinking through TEDxSydney; and transforming public spaces as a public art curator. She has also been a policy advisor, radio host and magazine editor. In 2019 she was elected as Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney.
Jess Scully said, ‘The last few months have been a helluva year. We’ve endured crises that bordered on the biblical: fire, flood, pestilence. The light at the end of the tunnel dims with each passing day. I see all this, and I feel the fear too, but I also sense something else: we’re at an inflection point.
‘We could continue on this path and compete to hoard toilet paper and build our bunkers, or we could turn it all around. I wrote this book because I see signs that a positive future is within our grasp as more and more of us realise that business as usual isn’t going to cut it.’
Publisher Lex Hirst said, ‘Jess Scully is one of the most inspiring big thinkers of our times and this, her first book, is simply extraordinary. Glimpses of Utopia shares Jess’ vision for a better, fairer future we can all work towards. It’s an urgent, compassionate journey towards hope, and the book we all need right now.’
Glimpses of Utopia is a call for optimism that brings together real ideas and active projects laden with the possibility of transformative change to the operating systems we all take for granted. Humans everywhere are rising up to confront our challenges with creativity, resilience and community to redesign our world to be fair and sustainable. This book shows us how.
Please direct all media enquiries to Léa Antigny
Tel: 02 8076 7122 | E: lea.antigny@panterapress.com