Meet Our Team: John M. Green
Pantera Press
Brought to life by a passion for storytelling, Pantera Press has been publishing great Australian stories since 2008.
Our goals to invest in and nurture the next generation of Australian readers and writers would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our team.
Our latest team spotlight is shining on John M. Green, our co-founder and best-selling author.
- How long have you worked in publishing?
My long love affair with publishing began in high school, writing for and editing my school newspaper. At university, in the 1970s, I became a director of what’s now known as NewSouth Publishing and later, in the 1990s, I was invited to rejoin that board. In 2008, I co-founded Pantera Press.
- What is it that drew you to the publishing industry?
A love of stories and the opportunity to champion Australian writing culture.
- What book would you love to see adapted to film?
The Tao Deception, but then I would say that, right?
- If you could have dinner with one literary character, who would it be?
And also relevant is where and when it would be. That’s because the character is the Time Traveller (he has no name) in HG Wells’ novella, The Time Machine. I have so much to ask him, like what’s your f***ing name, what horse will win the 5th race at Randwick, and can you flick me the manuscript for my next novel to save me the time writing it?
- Do you remember the first book you read as a child?
Karl Marx’s Das Kapital, in German of course. I was five at the time. But when I found the character development a little wanting, I switched to a Little Golden Book (Donald Duck, I think) and Snugglepot and Cuddlepie.
- What is your favourite quote?
“My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.” – Woody Allen.
That said, I’m not really sure who I’d rather be. Since my kids bought me a monogrammed wallet for my birthday, it would have to be someone with JMG as their initials. That limits the choices a bit.
- What is your ideal reading location?
Everywhere and anywhere.
- What snack best accompanies a good book?
Anything with salt, sugar or salt and sugar in it.
- If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?
(1) A solar panel.
(2) A computer tablet loaded up with gazillions of books, movies and songs, powered by my solar panel.
(3) A tuxedo – you never know who might show up and want to dance with me under the stars.
- If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
Confucius, except it mightn’t work too well, since:
(a) I don’t speak Chinese and
(b) he’s dead.
- What do you like most about your job?
The lashings of sugar and salt in the most delicious cakes, cookies, muffins and more at our team meetings. And, oh yes, championing Australian writing culture.
- What is your guilty pleasure?
Learning magic. But please don’t tell anyone.
- Who is your ultimate book boyfriend/girlfriend?
If comic books count, it’s Superman. What a great outfit, even if he doesn’t wear a fedora. Plus, he’s able to leap off tall buildings in a single bound, saves the world every day, and can eat as much sugar and salt as he wants but still look amazing. On the downside, there’s kryptonite. But while Superman doesn’t wear a fedora, Clark Kent does, so it’s all good.