Meet Our Team: Katy McEwen
Pantera Press
Brought to life by a passion for storytelling, Pantera Press has been publishing great Australian stories since 2008.
Our goals to invest in and nurture the next generation of Australian readers and writers would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our team.
Our latest team spotlight is shining on Katy McEwen, our Rights Manager.
- How long have you worked in Publishing?
I started working in publishing straight out of University in the UK, back in the 1980s, a time when hardly anyone in the Pantera office was alive, let alone remembers! After a few years in marketing and publicity, I took other paths before finding my way back to publishing – and the world of Rights – in 2005 here in Sydney.
- What is it that drew you to the Publishing Industry?
The fact that reading a book could be a legitimate part of a job that I could get paid for. And helping to produce them so that other people could read them made it even better.
- What is your favourite book?
That’s too hard. Anything from Tim Winton, Kate Atkinson or David Mitchell would be up there. Last month, it was Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan. This month, it’s Home Fire by Camilla Shamsie. Next month, who knows? Fickle. Or forgetful.
- What book would you love to see adapted to film?
I’m personally not very keen on film adaptations of books as they never quite live up to the original – but that doesn’t stop me selling our books to film producers!
- If you could have dinner with one literary character, who would it be?
Andy Dufresne from Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption to learn the value of patience and advance planning!
- What is your biggest literary pet peeve?
Overwriting. Too many metaphors, too much explanation and not enough left for the reader’s imagination.
- Do you remember the first book you read as a child?It would have been either Enid Blyton (I still have my original Mary Mouse books) or Ant and Bee.
- What is your favourite quote?
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Mae West
- What is your ideal reading location?
After breaking my leg earlier this year I have spent a good amount of time reading in hospital beds – and appreciating finding the perfect position with the touch of a button. But at home I have a very comfy sofa in a sunny spot with a view of a small courtyard, which is most satisfactory. Especially with the dog curled up nearby.
- What snack best accompanies a good book?
Chocolate. Every time.
- If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?
A laptop (with magical Netflix-, Spotify- and ebook-buying connections and an everlasting battery), a Swiss army knife and water.
- If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
Sheryl Sandberg. Smart as well as being an activist and an author.
- What do you like most about your job?
The people. Such passion and enthusiasm, and a willingness to drink gin and share chocolate and cakes. Oh, and getting to travel the world to talk about Australian books isn’t bad either.
- What is your guilty pleasure?
Chocolate, reality TV shows and jigsaws.
- Who is your ultimate book boyfriend/girlfriend?
Gilbert Blyth. Persistence and charm.