Pantera Press acquires world rights to second book by Tim Duggan
Pantera Press
Pantera Press has acquired world rights for Tim Duggan’s second book, provisionally titled Killer Thinking: How to Turn Good Ideas into Great Ones.
Killer Thinking is the ultimate guide to creating, recognising and developing ideas that will revolutionise the way we work. Duggan will take readers through some of the best ideas in the world and explain why they work so well. Combining business insights with creativity tools, this practical book will elevate your ordinary ideas into truly game-changing, killer thinking.
Duggan’s debut book, Cult Status: How to Build a Business People Adore, was published to enthusiastic acclaim in 2020, including from journalist and presenter Marc Fennell: ‘This book is bloody good. It’s really made me question how I work and how I could do things better,’ and TV and radio host Osher Günsberg: ‘Tim has extraordinary insight into the evolving relationship between companies and the communities they serve.’
Duggan said, ‘It’s been so exciting watching Cult Status make its way into people’s lives. Every single day I get messages from readers who are using the tools and the insights in the book to think differently about their work.
‘For my next book I’ll be tackling one of the biggest issues in the modern workplace: creativity. I’m fascinated by ideas and how to turn mediocre ones into those killer ideas that are so good you can’t ignore them. I’m currently speaking to some of the most fascinating and creative people in the world to understand their creative process and distil down their common tips and secrets so that anyone can learn how to be more creative at work.’
Publisher Lex Hirst said, ‘Tim Duggan’s smart, practical and purposeful style in Cult Status has inspired readers this year as they pivoted, refocused and tried to find their passion and best practice in this new work landscape. I’m thrilled to announce that he will be turning his insight on the world of creativity and ideas next.
‘Killer Thinking will help readers turn their okay ideas into truly game-changing ones – and reinvent the way they work along the way. I can’t wait to share this book with everyone who’s ready for a jolt of purpose, passion and inspiration.’
Tim Duggan is a new media entrepreneur who has co-founded several digital ventures, most notably Junkee Media, Australia’s leading millennials digital publisher. Killer Thinking will be published in early 2022.
For further information please contact Léa Antigny T: 02 8076 7122 E: lea.antigny@panterapress.com