Pantera Press authors feature at Sydney Writers’ Festival
Alison (CEO and Founding Director)
For John M Green (author of Nowhere Man):
(*) ‘This is Thriller’ Thurs. May 19, 10-11am. At Sydney Dance Company Studio 1. Free, no bookings.
John M Green and L.A Larkin talk to Catherine Cole about how they keep us in suspense!
For Sulari Gentill (author of A Few Right Thinking Men and Chasing Odysseus):
(*) ‘Secret Sydney Stories’ Thurs. May 19, 2.30-3.30pm. At Richard Wherrett Studio, 22 Hickson Road.
Sulari Gentill and Elizabeth Stead talk with Irina Dunn.
Bookings essential! ($15) Phone (02) 9250 1988 or
(*) ‘Once were Lawyers’ Friday May 20, 10-11am. At Philharmonic Choir Studio. Free, no bookings.
Sulari Gentill and Shamini Flint talk to Margaret Barbalet … Can you take the lawyer out of the writer?
Bookings essential! ($15) Phone (02) 9250 1988 or
(*) ‘Once were Lawyers’ Friday May 20, 10-11am. At Philharmonic Choir Studio. Free, no bookings.
Sulari Gentill and Shamini Flint talk to Margaret Barbalet … Can you take the lawyer out of the writer?