Pantera Press has acquired A Thousand Wasted Sundays by Victoria Vanstone
Pantera Press
Pantera Press has acquired ANZ rights for A Thousand Wasted Sundays by writer and podcaster Victoria Vanstone through Sarah McKenzie at Sarah McKenzie Literary Management, in a two-book deal
Witty, poignant and at times heartbreaking, Victoria Vanstone’s memoir, A Thousand Wasted Sundays, follows her journey from casual teen drinking to black-outs, boozed-up play dates to learning to live without her reliable social crutch. But it’s not a tale of misery and trauma, it’s the relatable story of a very normal woman with a very ordinary, socially acceptable drinking habit – and how therapy, and the support of her husband and friends eventually lead her to lasting sobriety and a new perspective on life.
‘I am overjoyed that Pantera will be publishing my story. I hope it gives readers a chuckle and prompts those questioning their alcohol intake to consider sober life. I have always wanted to be a comedy writer and one thing sobriety has shown me is that anything is possible. This is a dream come true and worth every zig-zaggy step I trod to get here. I simply can’t believe I have the opportunity to share my drunken misdemeanours with the world. I hope others can learn from my mistakes and not spend 25 years incoherently stumbling through life like I did. I am so excited to have joined the Pantera family,’ said Victoria Vanstone
‘Victoria Vanstone’s incredibly funny, thoughtful and compelling memoir speaks to the changing conversation around alcohol and drinking behaviours we are having as a society. We all need stories that make us laugh, and if they can be a catalyst for change, then all the better. I absolutely loved Victoria’s voice – hilarious, relatable and without judgement. We’re delighted to have her join the Pantera list,’ said Publisher Katherine Hassett.
‘I am thrilled that this sharp, honest and achingly funny memoir has found an enthusiastic home with the team at Pantera. I feel confident that Victoria’s hard-won lessons about addiction and sobriety will resonate with readers everywhere,’ said Sarah McKenzie of Sarah McKenzie Literary Management.
Victoria Vanstone is the host of Sober Awkward – A popular comedy podcast about two ex-party animals navigating parenting and socialising without their old buddy booze. She’s also a blogger www.drunkmummysobermummy.com and the CEO of www.cuppa.community, the free social network for the sober and sober curious.
Victoria describes herself as an all-round professional party pooper who is by no means anonymous about her drinking journey. She started writing about addiction and parenting on the day she gave up drinking and is passionate about helping others stuck in a pattern of normalised social binge drinking. Victoria often appears on radio, podcasts and online to talk about her story, alcohol’s affect on mental health and the impact of living in this booze worshipping culture.
Victoria is originally from the UK and now lives on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland with her three uncontrollable children, a confused dog and very patient husband. Victoria loves tea, stories and making others laugh.
A Thousand Wasted Sundays will be released in 2024.
For media enquiries, please contact: Talie Gottlieb Ph: 02 8096 5192 E: taliesyn.gottlieb@panterapress.com