Sulari Gentill Talks Crime at Canberra Writers’ Festival
Pantera Press
From Dark Places
Anne Buist and Sulari Gentill, hosted by Jan Thurling
Date: Friday 25th August 2017
Location: National Library of Australia
Time: 11.30am
You’re invited into the dark, twisted and wonderful imaginations of some of Australia’s favourite crime thriller writers. Don’t miss Anne Buist and Sulari Gentill in conversation with Jan Thurling.
The Criminal Storyworld: A Workshop
Sulari Gentill
Date: Friday 25th August 2017
Time: 1.30pm
Location: Museum of Australian Democracy
Getting away with murder: a workshop which explores the crime writer’s tool kit. Sulari Gentill discusses the place of tropes, protagonists, villains, pace and twists in the crime novel.
Ticket includes afternoon tea
Careful with the Axe
Sarah Schmidt in conversation with Sulari Gentill
Date: Sunday 27th August 2017
Time: 1:30pm
Location: National Library of Australia
Not everyone can say they had an epiphany while sleeping, meet Sarah Schmidt an discover the unorthodox way Sarah’s latest book See What I Have Donewas conceived.
In Conversation with Reni Eddo-Lodge
Outspoken British Journalist Reni Eddo-Lodge turns her keen eye and pen to exposing structural racism in her first book Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race. In this rare conversation she will look at how race, gender and politics continue to shape our society.
Date: Monday 28th August 2017
Time: 12:00pm
Location: 4 National Circuit
Visit the festival website for the full program.