The Dreaming Path by Dr Paul Callaghan with Uncle Paul Gordon wins 2023 ABIA for Small Publishers’ Book of the Year
Pantera Press
Pantera Press is thrilled that the bestselling The Dreaming Path by Dr Paul Callaghan, with Uncle Paul Gordon, has won the 2023 ABIA for Small Publishers’ Adult Book of the Year.
This award recognises small publishers who excelled in bringing a title to market with significant achievement across sales, marketing and publicity campaigns, and exceptional editorial care. The judging panel of industry experts called The Dreaming Path an ‘important book’.
‘Publishing culturally sensitive and protected material into a mass market format is difficult to achieve and Pantera Press have managed that impressive feat with Paul Callaghan’s The Dreaming Path,’ commented the judging panel. ‘What a success story, with such strong marketing and rights sales for this important book.’
‘Being an author is obviously an honour and a privilege, as is the acknowledgement of the words Uncle Paul Gordon and I have shared,’ Dr Paul Callaghan said. ‘But more important is the messages our book contains. Receiving this award gives me hope our messages are being heard and we are on a path of national unity, mutual understanding, respect and love.’
Publishing Director Lex Hirst said, ‘We are thrilled to see this remarkable book be recognised by our industry. Dr Paul Callaghan and Uncle Paul Gordon created The Dreaming Path with immense generosity, in the hope that by sharing some of the wisdom First Nations peoples in this country have been living by since time immemorial with the wider community, we could find a personal and collective path towards healing. The response to their work from readers all over has been heartening, and is a credit to the valuable messages and brilliant storytelling within.’
Through conversations, exercises, Dreaming stories and key messages, in The Dreaming Path Dr Paul Callaghan and Uncle Paul Gordon share knowledge that reveals the power of Aboriginal spirituality as a profound source of contentment and wellbeing for anyone willing to listen.
Dr Paul Callaghan is an Aboriginal man belonging to the land of the Worimi people, located on the coast of New South Wales just north of Newcastle. For many years he has held senior executive positions in Aboriginal- and non-Aboriginal-related service areas, but eventually his desire to focus on community and individual well being compelled him to start his own business.
In addition to consultancy work, Paul is a motivational speaker, a storyteller, a dancer and an author. Paul’s passions are driven by his belief in the power of story to create a better world – a value Pantera Press is motivated by in our determination to publish books that spark imagination, conversation and change.
For interview, review or event requests please contact Léa Antigny
T: 02 8096 5192 E: lea.antigny@panterapress.com