Truce options Australian writer Les Zig’s novel JUST ANOTHER WEEK IN SUBURBIA
Pantera Press
Film company Truce films has optioned the dramatic rights to JUST ANOTHER WEEK IN SUBURBIA by Melbourne author Les Zig.
Published by Pantera Press, one of Australia’s fastest growing independent publishers, JUST ANOTHER WEEK IN SUBURBIA tells the story of Casper Gray, a happily married man who makes a discovery that causes him to unravel and threatens everything he knows.
“We are very excited to have the chance to work with Les and Pantera to explore the TV series potential of JUST ANOTHER WEEK IN SUBURBIA ,” said Jim Wright, Head of Development at Truce.
“From the moment we heard the title we had a feeling there might be a little slice of magic there that would connect with a modern audience!”
Les Zig, whose new book AUGUST FALLING will be published in September, said he was thrilled to see Casper brought to life in a new medium.
“Am I allowed to use expletives? What? No? Okay. I’m fucking ecstatic! I think most authors would be excited to see their books realised on the screen, so I’m thrilled my book is getting that chance.”
“Pantera Press has always prided itself on discovering and developing the next generation of Australian authors,” said Ali Green, CEO & Founding Director of Pantera Press. “So we are incredibly excited to see Les’ story reach new audiences.”
“Les’ writing is sharp, honest and incisive, with a unique ability to pull real, human truths from the ordinary and every day. We can’t wait for more people to discover his incredible talents.”
For more information contact Anabel Pandiella
Tel: 02 8076 7122 E: anabel.pandiella@panterapress.com